Does the University of Manitoba have housing or modern student residences? While studying at the University of Manitoba, you can opt for on-campus or off-campus housing. Choosing the appropriate housing as a student is more than just choosing a place to live. You must ensure that the houses give you convenient access to other opportunities and programs that foster wellness, academic and social growth, diversity, community building, and leadership.

You cannot exhaust the options available for the University of Manitoba housing for international students. You can find a 1-bedroom apartment near the University of Manitoba. It all depends on your unique needs and budget. If your budget can allow, you could go for the 2-bedroom apartments near the University of Manitoba.

A Home Away From Home

Many international students leave their families behind to study at the University of Manitoba. When you are so far away from home, it’s easy to sink into homesickness. The good news is that the off-campus housing near the University of Manitoba can become your home away from home. Their proximity to the school gives you an excellent way to explore the University of Manitoba. You will be part of both the local and international student communities and have an opportunity to meet new people and make life-long friends.

It can be challenging and confusing to transition from high school to the university. However, when you live in a community of international students who are going through the same adjustment as you, the transition becomes easier and much more fun. You will feel at home experiencing the friendly and supportive off-campus living.

The off-campus residence facilities at the University of Manitoba host international students from all over the world at different levels of study. Students have the perfect opportunity to meet people from different cultures and diverse perspectives, giving them a globalized experience.

Convenient Housing That Increases Your Chances of Academic Success

By living close to the university, students can access the professional development sessions and programs offered every semester. The programs revolve around essay writing techniques, exam preparation, job interview skills, and portfolio development.

Living close to campus increases your likelihood of academic success. You will enjoy the unmatched convenience of living only minutes away from facilities like classrooms and laboratories. It will be easy to access the facilities that you need to succeed, including common lounges, study areas, and other crucial facilities.

Off-Campus Housing Options

If you are seeking a room for rent near the University of Manitoba, you will have several options to choose from:

Off-Campus Homestays

This option gives students an opportunity to stay off-campus with a Canadian family. It offers the unique appeal of being part of the local community. Homestay students are not only a part of a family but also have a chance to participate in family activities, including celebrating special occasions.

All the hosting families are located close to the university, making it easy for students to commute. Students enjoy three meals per day, their own bedroom, and free internet access. Homestays are an excellent option, especially for students who are below 18 years and need a custodian.

Off-Campus Private Rentals

Winnipeg student housing also includes shared accommodation and private rentals. Students can access the fully furnished rentals offered by the ARC and ALIGN. The private rentals are available to students and recent graduates.

If you opt for a private rental, you should assess the rental in person, get to meet the building manager and ensure that what is advertised is what you get. You should not sign any contract or pay money before you verify that the rental is legitimate. It is also advisable to read and understand a rental contract before you sign it.

An Alternative to the University of Manitoba Housing

Even if the University of Manitoba recommends new international students go for on-campus student residences or homestays, an equally good option is the ARC and ALIGN private rentals. The ARC and ALIGN are located right across the street from the university. It is strategically located close to the Real Canadian Superstore, which will meet all your grocery needs.

Students also have access to countless great restaurants in addition to the many commercial businesses. Other factors that make the ARC and ALIGN a perfect option for University of Manitoba off-campus housing include the following:

  • Multiple commercial businesses on the ground floor.
  • There is a bus stop right in front of the building.
  • Access to 24/7 community assistants who help students with anything they need.
  • The rentals are granted on a first-come, first-served basis, meaning that if you book early, you will have an opportunity to get a room on a higher floor, enabling you to enjoy excellent views.
  • The accommodation is not just available to students but also to recent graduates seeking co-living arrangements or community living.

There is Something for Everyone

A great advantage of private rentals is the great variety to choose from. Take the ARC and ALIGN, for example; students can choose from the following:

  • Single bedroom configurations
  • Double-bedroom shared configurations
  • Two bedrooms configurations
  • Four-bedroom configurations
  • Premium single

The private rentals offer excellent off-campus housing because they are designed and built with the student in mind. Therefore, the rentals feature student-friendly features and amenities. Students have access to on-site staff to assist them with whatever they need.

Roommates Near University Of Manitoba

Off-campus Winnipeg student housing offers students an opportunity to choose roommates with whom to share the housing. Renting an apartment or house with a roommate is an excellent way to reduce your monthly housing costs and living expenses. However, you must be careful when choosing your roommates. Ensure that you have a detailed discussion with your roommate before you start living together. It is best to have roommates sign a Roommate Agreement. This agreement outlines every roommate’s role and expectations before the roommates start living together. Some of the topics that are highlighted in the agreement include the following:

  • Payment of rent – Roommates should agree on who will be collecting and paying the rent. How will the roommates share the rent? Will everyone contribute the same amount, or will some roommates contribute more than others? How will the roommates share other expenses, like payments for utilities? Will the expenses be shared equally, or will you just pay for what you use?
  • Cleaning and chores – Roommates must also discuss household chores like cleaning, buying groceries, taking out the garbage, and washing the dishes. They should agree on how they will divide these chores amongst themselves.
  • Guests – Are there specific hours within which roommates can entertain guests? Will the guests be allowed to stay overnight? Will parties be allowed in residence? Are there certain hours when the noise will not be allowed in the residence?
  • How to handle personal possessions – What items within the apartment can be used by all the roommates? For example, items in shared areas like the living room and the kitchen can be accessible to everyone. Items that can be open for everyone’s use include hair dryers, video game consoles, cookware, and refrigerator. Roommates can decide to have a fund for common items like toilet paper, garbage bags, dishwashing soap, and others.
  • Summertime – Roommates should also discuss how they will share costs during the summer months when some will be in session and others on holiday. What responsibilities will the students staying for the summer have? Who will renew the lease with the landlord?

Subletting or Assigning Your Off-campus Residence

Another advantage of the University of Manitoba’s off-campus housing is the option of subletting or assigning your residence. You may consider a sublet if you would like to give up your rented room or house temporarily to allow another person to occupy it for a specified period. The person named on the lease sublets the rental to another person, but they intend to return to the apartment after some time. It is more like “lending “your place to someone else. If you are leaving the University of Manitoba temporarily or on an exchange program, you can opt to sublet your apartment while you are absent. It is crucial to note that if you intend to sublet your apartment, you must seek written permission from the landlord. The new subletting tenant, tenant, and landlord must sign a subletting agreement.

An assignment is almost like a sublet except that the tenant does not intend to move back into the residence. In this case, as well, the tenant should seek the landlord’s permission to assign their residence to another person. The landlord, tenant, and the person to whom the residence is being assigned must sign an Assignment of Tenancy Agreement.

Temporary and Alternative Accommodation in Winnipeg

Students who require to book temporary accommodation upon arriving could consider the nearby hotels.


Off-campus housing gives you the independence and privacy you need, especially if you want to explore your new life in Winnipeg on your own terms. Furthermore, it is a fantastic opportunity for international students to immerse themselves in the local culture and learn about the country’s history, customs, traditions, and values.

Off-campus housing typically includes a variety of student amenities, including swimming pools, outdoor grills, coffee shops, and car parking, and essential amenities, including study rooms, social areas, parking spots, and gyms.

The majority of off-campus housing offers all-inclusive rent. Therefore, in addition to your rent, the cost of utilities such as water, cable, electricity, gas, security, Wi-Fi, and so on will be included.